Saturday, July 27, 2019


ब्यास नदी, मनाली के पास 2017

नन्हा सा, छोटा सा 
पानी का बस एक टुकड़ा सा
मैं निकला 
उन तंग, पथरीले रास्तों से 
लहराता, हिचकोले खाता 
बस चलता ही चला जाता था 
दिशा और गति में 
कोई अंतर ही ना पाता था 
क्यूँकि क्रीड़ा के आनंद में
मैं सिर्फ भागना ही चाहता था |

जैसे जैसे आगे बढ़ा
बड़े-बड़े पहाड़ों में 
अक्सर गुम भी जाता था 
और जैसे ही कोई ढ़लान पाता था
तो तेरी डोर कस के पकड़ के 
और तेज़ भागने लग जाता था
पर मुझे ना पता था 
मैं तो तेरी डोर खींचता
और दूर ले जाता था | 

अब इतना आगे आ गया 
कि मुड़ने का कोई अवसर भी ना पाता था
बस आगे बढ़ते-बढ़ते
तेरे ही दिखाए रास्तों से निकलता जाता था
अनगिनत नदियों और नालों से क्या मिला
कि कभी अपना रंग तो 
कभी अस्ततित्व बदलता जाता था 
और अपने बढ़ते आकार में 
मैं अक्सर अपनी पहचान ढूंढ़ता जाता था |

अब धीमे-धीमे धीमा हुआ
बाहर का उफान थोड़ा कम क्या हुआ
अंदर तो मानो जैसे एक तूफ़ान हुआ
जीवन के अविरल सवालों के घेरे में 
मेरे मन का पंछी बेहद अशांत हुआ 
और इस शांत सी अशांति में ही 
मुझे अंतरमन
तेरा भीना सा आभास हुआ |
पहले तो सब नया-नया सा था  
पर अब सब कुछ इक सार हुआ
और चलते चलते ना जाने कब 
आगे सागर का एहसास हुआ
जीवन के इस पड़ाव पे 
तेरी चिंताओं और संघर्षों का 
अब थोड़ा सा ज्ञान हुआ
मन तो डूबता अपने ही जल में
पर फिर से तेरी ममता का हाथ हुआ 
मैं तेरा ही हूँ अंश माँ 
अब मुझे यह अटल विश्वास हुआ |

Thursday, May 21, 2015

एक भेंट, भाग्य से

A meeting with Destiny

आते जाते मिल जाते
बस कुछ पलों के जरिये
जीवन का इक हिस्सा बन जाते
कुछ याद बन जाते, कुछ किस्से, और कुछ एहसास
पर होते सब हमारे|

पर आप जब भी आते,
या तो पराये लगते, या अजनबी
आते समय तो दिखते नहीं, पर जाते बहुत कुछ दिखा कर के    
गले तो मिलते नहीं, बस गले पड़ जाते
क्यों हैं ऐसे आप?

मैं तो ऐसा ही हूँ|
जैसा दिखता हूँ, वैसा हूँ
माना थोड़ा खरा हूँ और थोड़ा खोटा
पर तुम ऐसे कैसे हो? मूर्ख हो क्या?
भाग्य और दुर्भाग्य में अंतर ही क्यों समझते हो?

अजी आप भी कमाल करते हैं
कर्म करूँ तो फल क्यों न खाऊँ?
सफलता पे अपना अधिकार क्यों ना जताऊँ?
भाग्य को सौभाग्य तो हम ही बनाते हैं?
ऐसे ही थोड़ी अपनी समस्याओं पे विजय पा जाते हैं!

हाँ, बातें तो तुम कर ही लेते हो
सौभाग्य को अपनी सफलता कहते हो
और दुर्भाग्य को परिस्थिति
पर ये भी तो बताओ कि सफलता के लिए तुम ऐसा क्या करते हो?
कुछ नया, कुछ अलग करते हो?

जी आप मुझे अपने प्रश्नों में घुमा रहें हैं, उलझा रहे हैं
पर आपकी बातों में मैं यूँ ना आता
क्योंकि मुझे तो सिर्फ कर्म करना आता
परंतु आपके संग जब भी यह दुष्ट दुर्भाग्य आता
तो कर्म के सभी अवसर क्यों खा जाता?

मैं भला किसी को क्यों उलझाता!
जो हो चुका उसे स्पष्ट दर्शाता
परन्तु तुम्हारी सोच भी निराली है
कर्म करने के लिए तो निष्ठा चाहिए, अवसर नहीं
फिर भी, क्या सभी क्षण एक अवसर नहीं?

अब और प्रश्न मत पूछो, बस सुनो
मेरा कर्म है तुमसे मिलना  
कभी अतीत पे चिंतन करवाना, कभी नए रास्ते दिखाना|
और मैं तो यूँही आता रहूँगा,
अपना धर्म निभाता रहूँगा

चलो, समय हुआ समाप्त, मुझे अब चलना होगा
कोई राह देख रहा है, उससे मिलना होगा
अब अगली भेंट में ताज़ा चाय मिलेगी या सिर्फ रूखे सवाल
ये तो मेरा भाग्य ही जाने
पर मैं जानता हूँ मेरे भाग्य में है चलना, मैं चलता रहूँगा |

Monday, December 31, 2012

Be dissatisfied in 2013

You read it right. 

Be dissatisfied because you know you deserve better. 
Be dissatisfied because you want to bring a change. 
Be dissatisfied because you believe in reason. 
Be dissatisfied because you don’t accept unwanted legacies.
Be dissatisfied because you cannot rest with inaction.  

And be dissatisfied because life is too boring if you're satisfied. 
So go on and be dissatisfied and make 2013 what you want it to be. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

एक दीप की प्रार्थना

हे इश्वर!
धन्यवाद.... मुझे इसे धरती पर भेजने के लिए
मुझे  नहीं पता की मैं "मैं" कैसे बना... मैं यहाँ कैसे पहुंचा... क्या आपने मुझे यहाँ भेजा या यह मेरा अनुरोध था?
पर चूँकि मैं जन्म ले चुंका हूँ, धरती पर इस जीवन के साथ-साथ, मृत्यु का भी हिस्सा बन  चुंका हूँ |
इश्वरमेरी आपसे एक प्रार्थना है....

जीवन का निर्णय आपका, परन्तु जीने का निर्णय मेरा,
मृत्यु का क्षण आपका, परन्तु जिसके भी क्षणों में मैं मरणोपरांत रहूँवह मेरा  |
भाग्य के दाता आप, परन्तु भविष्य का निर्माता मैं,
प्रशनों के त्राता आप, परन्तु किसी उत्तर का ज्ञाता मैं |

मंजिल हो एक तो शंका अनेकपर अब मंजिलें भी तो हैं अनेक,
साहस से मैं आगे बढूँ, अपनी ही शंकाओं से जूझ कर |
छोटे हैं पल सपने बड़े, हर मोड़ पर जैसे कांटे गढ़े,
कर्तव्य से मोह जोड़ कर, मैं बैठूं ना मूह मोड़ कर |

जलते सभी, चलते सभी, पर क्यूँ फंसे व्यर्थता के इस जाल में,
मैं चलूँऐसे जलूं, जैसे कि इक दीप
जलता चलूँ, चलता चलूँ, और रोशन जहाँ करता चलूँ |

Image Credit:

Monday, January 30, 2012

Why do we need God?

Image Credit:
Being a human being is not easy! We have got the most complex hierarchy of needs that any species on earth would have. And for every successive step towards a happier life, we generally believe in fulfilling those needs. While there are many needs that relate to essentials (aka survival, further extended to comfortable survival), the fact is many don’t and they are created. One such need is God, one of the most desirable needs of human being on the earth. But why do we need God?

Looking back in our primitive times will make some sense here. Most of the world today is managed by government run institutions. However in the early ages of civilization, governments didn’t exist or were too incapable of taking charge of masses. At such times, fear of God reinforced some rule and order. God was the only supreme power that could see everyone, everywhere and every time. We needed God because it enabled an ordinary person to behave acceptably. Moreover, the very belief that God knows everything and is fair in all its decisions has helped us seek God as one of the most powerful catalysts of justice and retribution, for it rewards virtues and penalizes vices. Perhaps, without God, things would have been (and will be) much difficult for those who run the show. 

Not Surprisingly God is the ultimate hero and epitomizes our idea of perfection to many of us. God also represents the highest order of wisdom to us. This conviction gives us strength and motivation to keep chasing our better selves, irrespective of our current situation or capability. And the best part is that this hero is someone we can call as our own and treat him (or her) in our own unique ways. We can speak to him anytime, seek solutions to our problems and have him accompany us to any place. Such is the charisma of God that it can seemingly help us overcome any mammoth problem; and if facing reality is still difficult, we seek his shelter, considering it a divine design. The very reason that God is beyond definition and omnipotent helps us utilize him for anything and everything, from conveniently explaining the inexplicable to righteously attributing matters of chance to him as destiny. On the contrary, this is perhaps a compelling reason why we see most of the atheists as very headstrong people since they don’t need a God for guidance and their emotional well being.

A very interesting observation is that with our development, our need of God has undergone vast shift. While the earliest religions preached worshiping natural forces like sun, the most modern ones preach some kind of ideology on how to live. Definitely the earlier Gods were needed to help us survive, but the modern ones are needed for sophisticated needs like enlightenment and peace of mind. 

Human being has always been dependent upon something, something that it can always look up to and adore, something that is much grander, powerful and beyond its comprehension, something that can eternally inspire it. Simply put, God fulfills that ‘One Need’. And in coming decades, as we progress naturally, religions will evolve; older ones will get weakened, newer ones will arise, new forms of God will be conceptualized, the focus will shift from deity to philosophy and from religion to spirituality, all because our needs from God will also evolve.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

What if we mated seasonally!

I think I am no more different from those animals. I had taken a pledge to regularly pen down my stupid, random thoughts and figure out what I really think; however, I just didn’t and so no pattern of thoughts emerged! But, I did realize that I am one of them. And the characteristic I share with them is also quite an important one. I am talking about Periodic Reproduction Habits. Now is the season when my mind starts to think and then just like a polar beer, it goes to sleep in the winters. I don’t know whether my mind saves some energy during winters but now, in summers, it has strength & vigor to go hunt fresh ideas. It needs a partner… it wants to mate… it wants to write. Here is the long cherished teenage dream – my mind wants to lose its virginity yet again.

I wonder what would happen if we humans had a clock ticking on our intimate desires. What if we couldn’t defy God’s (or maybe our DNA’s) willingness on when we mate and when we don’t? What if we were just like animals, mating in a particular season of the year? Things would be different.

The first change would be our date of birth. We would no more have specific date of birth. We would have batch. Oh look at Dhoni, he is also from 81’batch like you; yet, what did you bring for the country... leave apart country, you couldn’t even find a girl for yourself, you old fellaw!!!

The second change would be more of news for all the brothers, who wouldn’t have to crib anymore about that additional form of leaves – maternity leaves – that women get. Rejoice brothers, you will get breeding leaves from now onwards. But, please don’t complain that women get yet another category of leaves, because you ‘normally’ would need a woman to mate (as long as you think you do)! So let them enjoy their breeding leaves with you.

The third major change would be on institution of marriage. People may not want to get married in off-season. And in-season, there will be special reproduction suites, not honeymoon suites, because now it will be clearer that honeymoon isn’t about talking and knowing each other. Horoscope matching may become a dud in absence of sun signs. Also, lot more marriages will actually become happier, because for those of you, who believe that under the sheets activity is important to run the marriage, though you don’t feel like indulging in it every alternate day (not just weekends), you can take the shield of season; and eventually, your wives will have lesser reasons to nag. And, somebody has rightly pointed out that lower the expectations, better the being!

The fourth change would be in statistics. The cases of rape will go down because the rapist will likely not have an urge to do something off-the-season and in-the-season, he will likely meet someone equally aroused; of course, nature would maintain its own equilibrium. On the other hand, unemployment rates may go up because our astrologer brothers will have no business in predicting for a batch! How beautiful – I never liked those over-generalized, overhyped compatibility issues of sun sign X to sun sign Y!

Those, who have lack of drive, relax… seasonal change will bring no mood fluctuation. And for the rest, pray that if this was to happen at all, then it be only winters!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Which is more difficult – truth or false?

Before anyone reads this article, I would like to clarify that I am writing this article not to undermine the importance of truth in any manner whatsoever, but to argue the commonly held belief that ‘the path of truth is not easy’. I would here like to present my alternate views on being truthful.
There were times when people used to have various notions; notions which were considered facts and which perhaps also spelt the common order of the day. Certainly, breaking away those poorly conceived notions needed time and efforts so that people could change their established viewpoints and adjust their lives to something new. It seems many of the problems were of implementing a change, eventually making the path of truth a tough and sacrificing one.
But now, having seen how being truthful helps, I am left to wonder why people believe that it is a harder thing to do. It is the easiest response in any situation. You don’t have to think and do much to speak whatever is true – you don’t have to manipulate your mind, words and body expressions to add conviction to whatever you say.
On the other hand, the alternate, and the devious path of false requires many efforts. It is like a heavy risk and reward game. The more risk one can take, the better he could earn, but while putting a lot more on stake. Of course, if there were no higher (expected) rewards, then why would people go against the tide to practice false? It requires tremendous efforts to justify false claims, especially if the claims are to be upheld for longer. Perhaps, the professions wherein people are sometimes required to twist the facts bestow higher rewards on their incumbents.
To keep things in perspective, the point I have made from the above discussion is that path of truth is rather an easier one. But what I really find interesting is that people who speak truth aren’t necessarily the ones who want to speak truth, but are likely to be the ones who couldn’t speak otherwise. They simply don’t have the guts to put their hands into the dirt and complexities of false and counter the repercussions. Actually majority of the people are still the holy cows, better at understanding things in a simpler way; they prefer truth, simply because they aren’t good at false. Therefore, despite the high rewards that falseness can bring in short run or long run, it is just not in high demand.
I understand many of us would argue that there are plenty of situations wherein being true is difficult and painful, and is thus an act of courage. But which are those situations? I believe such situations mostly arise either when people have screwed up something and they are uneasy to admit their faults or when they are already living in screwed up circumstances, wherein mere upholding the fact would only aggravate the pain and after-effects of one’s circumstances and may even cause a backlash. Out of these two situations, the first one shouldn’t be considered an act of courage; it is just squaring off. However, the second one could be a courageous act, if only it is in the larger benefit of all. So, if a husband acknowledges to his wife that she is not beautiful, then he might be a stupid – not a hero – for hurting his marriage, even though he wanted to have a happy marriage; therefore, to deny the truth in the better interest of both the partners, he might be doing a bit more, and is therefore acting courageously.
Before I conclude, I must make it clear that I don’t propagate that truth is subject to a situation, anticipated benefits and / or tolerance of its audience. I just want to say that truth is rather an easier way, and false could be equally or perhaps more demanding. Also, those who speak truth are not necessarily courageous; they may be simply acting of out of their own limitations, within their capabilities.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

How are you?

I am doing great! Very cool! Yeh, I am ok! Fundoo! I am happy! I am good! Enjoying my life! I am fine… blah blah blah. These all are some of the most common phrases we speak in response to the most common conversation starter. Many people might feel good that the other person is concerned about their wellbeing. However, I am generally not comfortable in answering this question because of many reasons [and even if there were none, my education has been so constructive that I can at least try to prove all my opinions as generally acceptable facts:)].
Firstly, how many of us answer this question correctly (remember ‘how are you’ seeks information about your present state of existence)? I guess very few, unless we are talking to someone very near & dear to us! Do you ever tell the other person that are you feeling uncomfortable about the body odor of the person sitting next to you? Do you tell the other person that you are feeling some strange movements in your stomach and that you don’t want to embarrass yourself by farting again!
Secondly, this question expects me to know how exactly I am feeling at a point of time. Am I supposed to be tracking each and every moment of my existence, my state of mind, or my mood, for anyone might ask “How am I”? Oh, so here is a business opportunity for those no-brainer TV Sky shop products – they should make one product that can help one answer this question accurately, at a point of time!
Lastly, I see this question as an attempt to know what is going on inside me. Hey Mr. Socrates, let us first finish up the stuff on table.
By the way, just imagine how different our conversations would be, if we started answering this question factually. No, the world would not be a different place; it would just be little surprising for those getting to know what is cooking inside other person’s mind. I am sure our state of mind at a point of time reflects both – our thoughts and our body; an answer to ‘how are you’ should rationally shed light on all. So the next time you ask me “How are you”, don’t feel surprised to know that I am feeling somewhat turned on for the girl sitting behind you.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

The difference between 9 and 10

No… you can’t afford it. Simply because it’s expensive now… earlier it was 9 and now it’s 10. Sound stupid nah! Yes that’s how we sometimes behave. You might not decide in favor of buying nice sexy footwear simply because it has now become expensive, by only one rupee! If this weren’t true, then why did Bata Pricing come into being? Marketing studies indeed prove that we find ourselves comfortable in buying the stuff that’s priced at a digit ending in 9, since 9 ending stuff looks cheaper to us. Hold on… there could be more reasons.
Size makes a difference! Actually 10 is occupying double as much as space as 9. So are our eyes compelling our minds to think more diligently than otherwise? Well this could also be pure mathematics if you look at other figures like 999 and 1000. The former is still in hundreds and the later, in thousands! Nah, I am not interested in buying a T-shirt that costs me in thousands!!! Still not convinced? Let me reason…. ok, I give up then. So what could be the real reason?
Actually there is nothing real about it. It’s all perceptive; we human beings experience some kind of emotional trigger out of each major phenomenon. And that’s one of the reasons we either like or avoid the bigger phenomenon. We are usually very cautious about making bigger decisions, but not so about minor ones. In fact bigger decisions hardly affect you or me, since they are too visionary to be taken easily. But the matter of fact is that it is the small things that make the biggest impact on our lives. Every small decision that you would have once taken has changed your lives in the ways that you may have never thought of. The same also applies to every little initiative that you dared to take in yesteryears and one fine day you realize that you have created a big difference to who you are and what you want to be.
When our civilization got a wheel, we didn’t know that the same wheel will also make us fly one day. But we did, and so the saga has continued with every small step any of us has taken so far. The difference between 9 and 10 is big enough to be bridged easily in a day; but if you have come to 9 today then why not 10 tomorrow! In any case human being didn’t always want to travel in bullock cart! Nonetheless, I am now feeling bore to write all this… I need a punch… I got to buy a dark chocolate that is delicious as well as affordable, as long as I am not paying more than Rupees 9.99 for it!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Survival Theory - Another Perspective!

With the constant evolution in everything over last hundreds and thousands of years, the pattern of choices has changed dramatically. Today the dilemma of our decisions is mostly related to the incremental aspect. What matters to you and me is what would make our lives better and happier, in our own ways and for our own reasons. But have you ever imagined what choices did our ancestors have? During thousands of years of uncertainly, they played this game everyday and perhaps every moment. There were no statistical models or probability tools, yet all they wanted to do was be more confident in handling this question – will I survive?

Contrary to its literal meaning, survival theory (mostly known as Survival of the Fittest) actually means that people or systems who are even ‘Fit enough’ will also survive. In order to survive in long run, the living being has to genetically evolve for adapting as per the environment and learn to apply newer skills and knowledge for dealing with any unfavorable circumstance.

The matter of fact is that there is a race for survival at every stage of life or evolution. Only those who can come closer to the finishing line are eligible to participate in the next bigger race. The evolution of human being and societies also reflects this pattern very well. There are plenty of examples that prove this point such as – education system, job and responsibilities, companies and their market share, relationships and their depth, and politics; all of these are progressive in nature and each of them presents a unique survival challenge at every successive higher level. Thus if one can not prove his fitness – in any manner whatsoever – to successfully survive at the existing level, he wouldn’t be considered for next level, next challenge.

We invite trouble when we start to become complacent about our existence and forget the principles of survival. The scenarios change quickly and one fine day we find ourselves exposed to the vagaries of external stimuli. No matter we still live in a world that is considered civilized, yet the fundamentals of jungle rule still apply in one or the other form. Being bigger, powerful and successful today is no guarantee that one will exist tomorrow. The history is replete with many examples of great people, companies or nations going bust during tough times that possibly resulted from wrong choices – that went against the very survival tactics – made by them during their glorious times.

Be it about managing day to day affairs, dealing with crisis or enhancing the welfare, the principles of survival can be appropriately applied to any situation or place. We must remember that survival is not just a goal but also a conscious choice that we make everyday. No matter what we do, the most important principle of survival is that all our choices should be consistent with it.